Video Tutorial - Project Management Worksheet 5.0

Video Tutorial - Project Management Worksheet 5.0 Welcome to the project management worksheet video tutorial as this is a 5.0 spreadsheet model it has a top and side navigation menu dashboards showing spreadsheet.

Video Tutorial - Project Management Worksheet 5.0

Information and instructions tab where you can schedule a free class watch this video tutorial again unprotect the spreadsheet to make customizations and options such as changing the spreadsheet.

Language and currency menu colors and fonts changing the logo adding or deleting tabs and support the spreadsheet allows us to manage multiple projects simultaneously it also.

Has a gun chart that is generated automatically this chart is a visualization of the project schedule there is also the possibility of sending tasks email automatically.

Starting with planning and projects we inform the projects to be managed by month client name project type and so on afterwards we register the Consultants informing name telephone email specialty.

And we're finished by filling out the WBS breakdown structure of the project with name of the project WBS deliverable tasks and so on moving on to schedule we start with.

Planish versus accomplished where we select the name of the project to be analyzed just generating the general project schedule next gun charge shows us what was expected.

Forcing and the real time of the completion of the project in costs we register the costs related to each project and we can then visualize the total budgeted amount for.

Project costs and the project cost balance reports shows us the overview of the project with plan tasks completed tasks percentage of completion and so on.

Next we have two tabs for printing the plan schedule and the done schedule and dashboards projects shows us the number of projects the total revenue the total cost General conclusion.

Deliverable and time allocating Consultants and we have some charts such as Revenue costs planned deliverables versus delivery.

Deliverables and Consultants finally in Project detailing upon selecting a project we can visualize its Revenue costs some budget allocated.

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